Family Law

Child Custody

The purpose of a child custody evaluation is to provide the court with insights into the psychological and emotional dynamics of family members. These evaluations are typically requested in cases involving divorce, separation, or disputes over parenting arrangements. The primary goal is to help the court determine what arrangements are in the best interests of the child, focusing on their safety, stability, and emotional well-being.

The goal of this evaluation is to provide the court with expert insights into the family situation, highlighting any concerns regarding the child’s safety, emotional and psychological needs, and the ability of each parent to meet these needs. Recommendations are made based on which parental arrangements would most likely support the child’s development and overall welfare. The psychologist’s findings play a crucial role in the court’s decision-making process regarding custody and visitation rights, ensuring that the child’s best interests are prioritized in the final arrangement.

child custody

Parental Alienation

To assess whether a child’s rejection or resistance toward one parent is the result of deliberate or subconscious behaviors by the other parent aimed at undermining the parent-child relationship. These evaluations are typically conducted in the context of family law disputes or custody battles. The primary goal is to determine if parental alienation is occurring, its severity, and how it impacts the child’s well-being and relationship with both parents.
Parental Alienation