The purpose of this forensic psychology evaluation is to address psychological issues arising in the workplace, often in the context of legal disputes, such as claims of discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, or emotional distress. These evaluations aim to provide objective psychological data relevant to the legal matter.
Fitness for Duty
The purpose of this forensic psychology evaluation is to determine whether an individual is psychologically capable of performing the essential functions of their job safely and effectively. These evaluations are often requested by employers in safety-sensitive positions, such as law enforcement, healthcare, or other high-stress roles. Employees’ mental health, cognitive functioning, and emotional stability are evaluated to ensure they can fulfill their job responsibilities without posing a risk to themselves, others, or the organization.
First Responder Pre-Employment
The purpose of this forensic psychology evaluation is to evaluate the psychological fitness of individuals applying for positions as first responders, such as police officers, firefighters, paramedics, or emergency medical technicians (EMTs). These evaluations are designed to ensure that candidates have the mental and emotional resilience to perform effectively in demanding and often dangerous situations, while ensuring the safety and well-being of both the individual and the public.

To document psychological conditions, personal experiences, or hardships that are relevant to the immigration case, often to demonstrate the impact of deportation, persecution, or trauma. We handle VAWA, I-601 Extreme Psychological Hardship Waivers, Adam Walsh Act, U-Visa, and Cancellation of Removal cases.